Meet Lindsey! The Fitness and Dance Enthusiast Momma This fitness loving momma is a Little Rock native! After following her love for dance from a young age Lindsey found a way to combine her passion for dance with exercise. After dancing through college, Lindsey...
This week’s Meet a Mom is Kate Santangelo, the mom of three behind Monmouth Moms who was recently named Director of Sales at The Local Moms Network. She lives in Aberdeen, a small town in Monmouth County, NJ, with her family, including kids Shane, 17, Brianna...
Meet Bonnie! The Momma Pediatric Sleep Coach with Little Winks Sleep This sleep loving momma has been living in Little Rock for the last 8 years! After struggling to find a consistent sleep routine and no more night waking with her 2 boys Bonnie found Little Winks...
This year marks the 20th anniversary of September 11th. For many of us, that tragic morning felt like a line drawn in the sand. You remember what you were doing, where you were—and who you were—before it happened. Then, the world—and your view of it—changed forever....
This post originally appeared on The Local Moms Network! This week, our Meet a Mom interview is with NYC-based mom Amy Shoenthal. She’s a social media marketing pro who also writes a column for Forbes—including the recent spotlight on The Local Moms Network! We spoke...
Meet Allie! The Mom Behind The Painted Pig This creative momma has been a staple in Little Rock for 15 years! Starting a new business during her last semester of college Allie has made a name for herself through ceramics! I’ve really enjoyed getting to know...
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