Meet Bonnie Norwood: A Pediatric Sleep Coach with Little Winks Sleep - Little Rock Moms Network

Meet Bonnie! The Momma Pediatric Sleep Coach with Little Winks Sleep

This sleep loving momma has been living in Little Rock for the last 8 years!  After struggling to find a consistent sleep routine and no more night waking with her 2 boys Bonnie found Little Winks Sleep. After working with the founder, Bonnie found peace at night time and it made such a big impact on them that she took a leap of faith and left her career in the financial world to help other tired moms and their babies.

Bonnie is originally from Memphis, Tennesse, but moved to Little Rock wit her hubby Andrew after college. They decided to settle in Little Rock because that’s where they found their community. She has 2 children Clark (4) and Merrick (3).

What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you…

Oh man, I think I’m mostly an open book! I suppose that I really really love rap music.

Favorite things to do with your kid(s)?

Garden / play in the dirt!

Why did you decide to raise your family in Little Rock?

We landed here after college and have found such a community here. Our community really is our family and we can’t imagine leaving. Little Rock is also such a family friendly town – there are so many things to do with the boys!

What’s your favorite thing about raising your family in Little Rock/Benton/Bryant area?

There are so many things to do! The boys love the Museum of Discovery, Wonder Place, not to mention all of the parks and space to run!

What’s your best mom hack that makes life easier?

Walmart + grocery delivery! We started during COVID and love having our groceries delivered! We also use Imperfect Foods.

What are your favorite things to do/places to eat in Little Rock/Benton/Bryant?

We love Zazas, Buenos Aires, and Riviera! All so delicious. Then taking the walking bridge from North Little Rock to Little Rock and going to the farmers market and getting Hurts donuts on Saturday mornings.


Self-care is so important as momma’s who give so much, what’s something you do just for yourself?

I am always in bed by 10PM – NO exceptions. I love my sleep and without a good night’s sleep I am not helpful for anyone. I also turn off electronics at 9PM and read or talk with my husband until then.

What’s something you can’t leave the house without?

Hmm… really nothing! I frequently find myself out of the house without my phone – I really love not having to keep up with things.

What is your least favorite mom job? (packing lunches, dishes, bath time, laundry….)

Andrew is a stay at home dad so I thankfully don’t have to do many of these, haha! I love bathtime, but my least favorite would have to be cleaning off the plates of food we made for the boys they refused to eat, ha.


Tell us about your career outside of being a mom.

I am a Pediatric Sleep Coach – I help parents teach their newborns through children how to develop sleep skills to sleep through the night and take quality naps. Or truly, if that isn’t the parents’ goals I help them meet their goals where they are at.

What prompted you to start your own sleep coaching business?

I actually joined an existing company as an independent contractor which has been great. I worked with the owner for my own kids and at the same time was going through a bit of a career transition. It has been such a blessing getting to do what I absolutely love every day!

How has the Little Rock/Benton/Bryant community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?

Sleep coaching is still relatively new to the south, so word of mouth and particularly some of the Arkansas and Little Rock facebook groups have been paramount. I also am close with Anna Bolte of Bolte Fitness (go use her!!) and Bethanne and Bethany over at Arkansas Pelvic Health. It’s so fun cheering on each other as mom business owners!

How has being a momma yourself shaped you as a business owner?

I work really hard, but I am thankful to be able to schedule my time where I’m always there when the boys wake up for an hour of quality time in the morning. Ultimately I work so hard FOR them.

What’s your favorite part about being a business owner?

I kind of have the best of both worlds where I own my own business technically but also am a contractor for an existing business. Teaming up with like minded people really does help me be able to focus on what I LOVE doing, helping families, and can leave a lot of the marketing / other areas to people that those are their strengths. Building the team around you is paramount to an enjoyable life.

How do you balance being a mom, wife, and business owner? Do you experience mom guilt? How do you handle it?

I have been a full time corporate working mom – there would be times where I would go 2-3 days without seeing them due to deadlines and early bedtimes. I did really enjoy my job but it just wasn’t sustainable. Now that I am where I am I really don’t have mom guilt. I think it’s important for the boys to see someone working hard and doing what I love. They always ask about “my babies” and like to play “work” in my office. AKA taking over my whiteboard.

Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through parenthood?

Oh my goodness, could NOT do this without my husband – he is a stay at home dad and stay at home parents TOTALLY don’t get enough credit. It is not for the faint of heart at all!

When parenting gets hard, what’s something you tell yourself that gets you through?

That they are humans too – with all of their big feelings and questions – I try to remind myself to not expect more out of them then I would expect out of myself.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten from another mom?

“You have never parented that child at that age before, every day they are a new age and a new child to parent” It definitely helped me give myself a lot of grace.

Name one thing you want your kid(s) to look back on and remember about their childhood and you as their mom.

Feeling safe and loved. I hope they remember just the in and out of being enjoyed.

What are your future plans and goals?

Oh goodness, no idea! I feel like I used to be a massive planner and then life turned out totally different – but so much better. So I’m going to work massively hard where I’m at and in the season I am in and trust that God’s got me the rest of the way.


Follow along with Bonnie and Little Winks Sleep on all the socials for the latest sleep updates!


Check out the website to schedule your 15 minute FREE call to chat sleep! (Just scroll down to find Bonnie!)


Instagram: @littlewinkssleep  Facebook: @littlewinkssleep

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