Meet Katie Holloway, VIP English Teacher and Homeschool Momma
I’m so excited to introduce y’all to this amazing mom of two! I have loved getting to know her over the last year! Maumelle native Katie has lived her all her life and settled down in her hometown after college with her hubby and 2 sweet kiddos.
Katie is a one inspiring A+ mom for sure!
She does it all, from getting up at the crack of dawn to do virtual teaching to being a wife and mom to homeschooling her kiddos.
With schools being out for the rest of the year I reached out to Katie to get her insight on homeschooling, how she got started, and some other tips for all of us out there that have suddenly found ourselves adding the job title teacher to our days.
Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in town?
I am originally from Maumelle- moved away for 4 years of college then came back.
You’re a Momma! How many children do you have and how old are they?
Ender- 5 Lydia 3
One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
I’m not the most graceful person; people that know me probably already know that.
What are your favorite things to do with your kids?
Craft and be outside
What is your favorite thing about raising your family in Little Rock/Maumelle area?
I love that we can be outside so much. There are so many beautiful parks and wonderful opportunities to see God’s glory all around us.
What’s your best mom hack that makes life easier?
Snack draw!! I buy big containers of our favorite snacks, and then make individual portions. The kids know they are allowed to choose their own. We also try to keep proportioned breakfast items that are easy to heat up or eat cold.
What are your favorite places to go and eat at in Little Rock/Maumelle area?
We love going to the Little Rock Zoo. The kids LOVE eating at All Aboard; it has such a fun atmosphere.
Self-care is so important as momma’s who give so much, what’s something you do just for yourself?
Listen to audio books and bible journaling
What’s something you can’t leave the house without?
These days my Doterra hand sanitizer! But I always like to have a bottle of water and a few of my favorite essential oils.
What is your leave favorite mom job? (packing lunches, dishes, bathtime, laundry….)
Bathtime- I think it is just the time of day, but man it is always a hard one for me.
Tell us about your career outside being a mom.
I work as an Online ESL teacher for VIPKid. I teach students in China how to speak English.
How has being a momma yourself shaped you as a teacher?
I knew being consistent was important, but being a parent really made that show up even more. I also have learned that they can learn so much through play and everyday activities like cooking.
What prompted you to homeschool your kiddos?
I worked in public and private school and really never had the desire to homeschool, until my son, Ender, was starting pre-school. I began to realize that everything he was learning was things I could teach him. With working at the private school, I saw how much of an impact his teachers were having on his spiritual growth. As the year went on, I realized I really wanted to teach my own kids. I love teaching and having the opportunity to watch my students grow as the year goes on, but having the opportunity to teach my own children, is a whole new level of teaching.
What’s your favorite part of homeschooling? What subjects do you enjoy teaching the most?
I love reading together. I enjoy teaching with real life experiences, like learning measurement and fractions with cooking.
What tips or advice do you have for moms and dads considering homeschooling?
Don’t be afraid. It isn’t necessarily “school” at home. You can make it work in many different ways, just do whatever fits your family. Seek out friends or acquaintances you know who have homeschooled and ask questions.
Many parents have suddenly found themselves living the homeschooled life, what resources or ideas do you recommend to help them?
First, don’t worry if it doesn’t look like everyone else. Do what is best for YOUR family. Try not to do too much, and get overwhelmed. Use what your kids love and use it to cover the skill. Put sight words on dolls or cars and have them read them as they move them. Use chalk to write numbers, letters, sight words, vocabulary words, ect., on the ground and let them hop as they read/spell/define/add ect. Pinterest and instagram are great places to start- I like to look for an activity based on the skill, then I try to find one that is best for our family.
How do you balance being a mom, wife, and teaching/planning for homeschool? Do you experience mom guilt? How do you handle it?
I have to plan out the week. I try my best to write down activities I would like for us to get done for each day. For the most part, I have learned that I have to be okay with just using that “plan” as more of a guide, if we get it all done then GREAT, if not, we can try again tomorrow. One thing that has really helped is having a top 5 things that HAVE to get done.
Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through parenthood?
My mom and mother-in-law are such a huge help and encouragement. My best friend Laura, a fellow homeschooler, is always there to help bounce ideas off of and just be an ear to listen. Also, my friend Tonya, she encouraged me to try homeschooling and is always encouraging me.
When parenting gets hard, what’s something you tell yourself that gets you through?
It’s only one day.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten from another mom?
Think about why your little one asked or did something before jumping to a conclusion.
Name one thing you want your kid(s) to look back on and remember about their childhood and you as their mom.
That I was present and that I wasn’t afraid to make mistakes and grow with them.
What are your future plans and goals?
Keep homeschooling and travel more
Be sure to follow along with Katie on her Insta to see some of her homeschool activities in real life!
Instagram: @ktholloway0517