TOGETHER: 2020 Year Goals - Little Rock Moms Network

As we look back on the last month, year, decade

and reflect on how much or little has changed, it’s the time to look forward and make plans for the new year.  I love this time of year because I get a chance to reflect and look back on my life with a fresh “slate” in front of me to be the framework for how I want my life to stay the same and what I want to change.

This last decade has brought me so much! From getting engaged and married to my wonderful husband, to a move 600 miles away from home and starting a career, to my first “big girl” purchases of a house and a car, to expanding my family with my amazing son. I know the next decade has just as much in store as we get ready to expand our family yet again with another little addition in May.

Looking forward and balancing this next big step in our family I realized how important TOGETHERness would be this year. That’s why 2020’s word of the year for the Haynes family is together. Together can be used in many ways and we are splitting the year in half to focus on 2 different directions. The first 5 months focus on “getting it together” — being mentally and emotionally stable and prepared. The last part of the year we are focused on “being together” — through faith and family to live a present and connected life.

So, here it goes our goal break down for 2020:

Jan-May — “Get It Together”

1.Financially– Stick to the budget and save for hospital expenses
2. Household– Develop and stick to routines to keep the house clean and running smoothly
3. Self-Care– Give my hubby and myself the chance to do something just for ourselves each month, making time for friend outings each month, and last (this one is mostly for me as a SAHM) get dressed!

*Side note–How many of use just live in leggings and a comfy shirt because we are staying at home?? I’ve realized if I get dressed, fix my hair, and do my make up I feel so much better throughout the day and am even more productive. I’m in no way hating on leggings (they are one of my fave go tos) but even something as simple as styling my hair and putting on a touch of mascara lets me feel more prepared for the day ahead!

June-December — “Being Together”

1. Faith– read daily and actively look for ways to apply the Word to my daily life
2. Spouse– make a monthly date night out of the house, find ways to show each other how much we love and appreciate each other (it’s so easy to let the day to day living go by without acknowledging how much our other halves do)
3. Momming– planning activities specifically to help my son continue to be challenged, make time for mother/son and father/son adventures
4.Family–create space in our daily lives for quality family bonding time

Lastly one of my favorite goals for this year is to really bring some TOGETHERNESS to all our mommas here in Little Rock, so be on the look out for some fun things coming this year!

So what are your goals, resolutions, words of inspiration for 2020???

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